Many hardworking men and women have made a good living and have had successful careers as truckers. But it is not for everyone. Trucking involves long hours – usually in solitude. It can be tough and often lonely work. But for the right people it can be incredibly rewarding. You won’t have a boss looking over your shoulder and it can be a great way to see Canada and the United States.
So how do you decide if the trucking profession is right for you? Taking the “try and see” approach isn’t really practical since it takes schooling. You really don’t want to invest all that time and money into trucking school only to discover that it isn’t for you. One of the best ways you can determine if trucking is right for you is to spend some time over coffee with an actual trucker. Take the time to ask them any questions you may have and what their experiences working on the road have been like.
You will find that if a trucker has stayed in the industry for any length of time, they have stayed for the simple reason that they love being a commercial truck driver.
But as noted before, the profession is not without its challenges. Here are some questions you should ask yourself when you are deciding whether or not to pursue a trucking career.
Am I adventurous?
There is a certain sense of security in having a 9-5 job working in an office. This does not exist in trucking. Sure, you may find yourself driving some of the same routes on a regular basis, but you will be doing so in all types of weather and in all types of traffic conditions. You’ll drive across long flat areas as well as mountainous ones. You may have to find a place to safely pull over your vehicle to get a few hours’ sleep or you may find yourself waiting for a tow truck in the middle of a desert. If you get anxious just thinking about these scenarios, then trucking probably isn’t for you. On the other hand, if this sounds more like fun and excitement, then you just might be a trucker at heart.
Am I disciplined?
To be a successful trucker, you also have to be disciplined. Since no one is directly supervising your work, it is up to you to stay on schedule – or to contact your dispatcher when you can’t. It is up to you to stay safe and ensure you are getting enough rest. When you are behind the wheel of that truck, the full responsibility for getting the job done safely and on time lies with you.
Can I handle the solitude?
Some people thrive on solitude but others can only take it in small doses. Yes, you’ll be touching base with your dispatcher from time to time, and you’ll be able to get in a quick conversation with someone at a truck stop, but for the most part you’ll be left with your own thoughts.
If you have answered “yes” to all three of these questions, there is a good chance that trucking is a great career choice for you. To learn more about training and getting your AZ licence , call us today.