As a truck driver, one of the most important working relationships you will have is with your dispatcher. But if you are a new driver, establishing a good relationship may take some time. Part of a dispatcher’s job will be to give you your routes, schedules and so forth – and at times you may question these and maybe even have a disagreement or two. But because the driver-dispatcher relationship is so important, it is best to avoid any major conflict. And there are a few strategies on how you can achieve that.
Understand the role of your dispatcher.
Many conflicts happen because new drivers don’t really understand the role of their dispatcher. A dispatcher’s main job is to make the trucking company profitable – which ultimately helps everyone keep their jobs. Dispatchers do this by ensuring the maximum amount of goods are transported in the least amount of time and for the least amount of money. The dispatcher also reports the mileage of each trucker which is then used to calculate the driver’s paycheck.
The role of the dispatcher is not to ensure that a route matches the preferences of a particular truck driver.
Get all the details before the run.
Another way for new drivers to ensure they get off to a good start with their dispatchers is to make sure they understand the details of the run before they start their route. You can do this by reviewing all the paperwork, mileage, etc. and asking any questions you may have.
It will be much easier to communicate any concerns to your dispatcher at the beginning of a run than it will be half way through a run.
Raise any safety concerns.
Finally, if you feel the route and schedule that your dispatcher has given you will jeopardize your safety, don’t be afraid to speak up. Most dispatchers would never do anything to deliberately put their drivers at risk however they are human and can make mistakes just like everyone else.
It is best not to argue however if you think a mistake has been made. Instead, stay calm and work together with your dispatcher to come up with a solution that suits both of you.
At Trukademy , our team works hard to prepare you for every aspect of your new career. If you think a career in trucking might be right for you, then contact us today.