Trucking during the winter can pose a lot of challenges and safety concerns that you don’t necessarily have to deal with at other times of year. And if you want to be a commercial truck driver in Canada, it is essential you learn how to cope with the unique conditions posed by Canadian winters. That’s why Trukademy offers its students at defensive Winter Driving Course.
Hazards that truck drivers must prepare for in winter conditions include:
·Poor traction which can cause their vehicles to get stuck at intersections, hills or entrances.
·Reduced time for stopping – it can take a truck 3 to 12 times more distance to stop during winter conditions.
·Reduced visibility
·Potential for jackknifing – It takes less than two seconds for a tractor trailer to jackknife beyond 15 degrees, and once it does it is nearly impossible to recover. It is critical that truck drivers know both how to avoid jackknifing and how to respond immediately if their vehicle starts to jackknife.
Driving your truck safely during the winter months begins before you even get inside your cab. It beings with your pre-trip inspection – which may have special considerations during the winter. Truckademy’s Winter Driver Course will cover important elements of that inspection and winter driving including:
·Winter vehicle maintenance
·Proper speed and space management
·Safe following distances
·Road awareness
·Identifying winter hazards
·How to respond safely to hazards
Our expert instructors will take you through everything you need to know to safely operate a commercial vehicle during the winter. Topics covered will include:
Vehicle inspection – including how to clear your truck of ice and snow, discussion of fuel treatments that prevent diesel fuel from gelling and what items to carry in your emergency kit.
Planning ahead – planning your route and checking the local weather service – and knowing when to stay off the road.
Safe driving behaviour – speed and space behaviour, being able to identify where and when ice is most likely to form.
Vehicle control – Learn what preventative measures you can take to avoid jackknifing or losing control of your vehicle and learn what you need to do to correct a jackknife once one starts.
At Trukademy, our mission is to provide students with the knowledge and skills that they need to be successful and safe in the truck driving industry. For more information on our Winter Driving Courses , contact us today!